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Cell segmentation

sopa.segmentation.cellpose(sdata, channels, diameter, model_type='cyto3', image_key=None, min_area=None, delete_cache=True, recover=False, flow_threshold=2, cellprob_threshold=-6, clip_limit=0.2, clahe_kernel_size=None, gaussian_sigma=1, key_added=SopaKeys.CELLPOSE_BOUNDARIES, cellpose_model_kwargs=None, **cellpose_eval_kwargs)

Run Cellpose segmentation on a SpatialData object, and add a GeoDataFrame containing the cell boundaries.

Cellpose installation

Make sure to install the cellpose extra (pip install 'sopa[cellpose]') for this method to work.

Diameter parameter

The diameter parameter is used to estimate the expected cell diameter (in pixels). This is a crucial parameter for the segmentation.


Name Type Description Default
sdata SpatialData

A SpatialData object

channels list[str] | str

Name of the channels to be used for segmentation (or list of channel names).

diameter int

The Cellpose parameter for the expected cell diameter (in pixel).

model_type str

Cellpose model type.

image_key str | None

Name of the image in sdata to be used for segmentation.

min_area int | None

Minimum area of a cell to be considered. By default, it is calculated based on the diameter parameter.

delete_cache bool

Whether to delete the cache after segmentation.

recover bool

If True, recover the cache from a failed segmentation, and continue.

flow_threshold float

Cellpose flow_threshold parameter.

cellprob_threshold float

Cellpose cellprob_threshold parameter.

clip_limit float

Parameter for skimage.exposure.equalize_adapthist (applied before running cellpose)

clahe_kernel_size int | list[int] | None

Parameter for skimage.exposure.equalize_adapthist (applied before running cellpose)

gaussian_sigma float

Parameter for scipy gaussian_filter (applied before running cellpose)

key_added str

Name of the shapes element to be added to sdata.

cellpose_model_kwargs dict | None

Dictionary of kwargs to be provided to the cellpose.models.CellposeModel object.

**cellpose_eval_kwargs int

Kwargs to be provided to model.eval (where model is a cellpose.models.CellposeModel object)

Source code in sopa/segmentation/methods/
def cellpose(
    sdata: SpatialData,
    channels: list[str] | str,
    diameter: int,
    model_type: str = "cyto3",
    image_key: str | None = None,
    min_area: int | None = None,
    delete_cache: bool = True,
    recover: bool = False,
    flow_threshold: float = 2,
    cellprob_threshold: float = -6,
    clip_limit: float = 0.2,
    clahe_kernel_size: int | list[int] | None = None,
    gaussian_sigma: float = 1,
    key_added: str = SopaKeys.CELLPOSE_BOUNDARIES,
    cellpose_model_kwargs: dict | None = None,
    **cellpose_eval_kwargs: int,
    """Run [Cellpose]( segmentation on a SpatialData object, and add a GeoDataFrame containing the cell boundaries.

    !!! warning "Cellpose installation"
        Make sure to install the cellpose extra (`pip install 'sopa[cellpose]'`) for this method to work.

    !!! info "Diameter parameter"
        The `diameter` parameter is used to estimate the expected cell diameter (in pixels). This is a crucial parameter for the segmentation.

        sdata: A `SpatialData` object
        channels: Name of the channels to be used for segmentation (or list of channel names).
        diameter: The Cellpose parameter for the expected cell diameter (in pixel).
        model_type: Cellpose model type.
        image_key: Name of the image in `sdata` to be used for segmentation.
        min_area: Minimum area of a cell to be considered. By default, it is calculated based on the `diameter` parameter.
        delete_cache: Whether to delete the cache after segmentation.
        recover: If `True`, recover the cache from a failed segmentation, and continue.
        flow_threshold: Cellpose `flow_threshold` parameter.
        cellprob_threshold: Cellpose `cellprob_threshold` parameter.
        clip_limit: Parameter for skimage.exposure.equalize_adapthist (applied before running cellpose)
        clahe_kernel_size: Parameter for skimage.exposure.equalize_adapthist (applied before running cellpose)
        gaussian_sigma: Parameter for scipy gaussian_filter (applied before running cellpose)
        key_added: Name of the shapes element to be added to `sdata`.
        cellpose_model_kwargs: Dictionary of kwargs to be provided to the `cellpose.models.CellposeModel` object.
        **cellpose_eval_kwargs: Kwargs to be provided to `model.eval` (where `model` is a `cellpose.models.CellposeModel` object)
    channels = channels if isinstance(channels, list) else [channels]

    method = cellpose_patch(

    if min_area is None:
        min_area = (diameter / 2) ** 2  # by default, about 15% of the "normal cell" area


sopa.segmentation.stardist(sdata, model_type='2D_versatile_he', image_key=None, channels=None, min_area=0, delete_cache=True, recover=False, prob_thresh=0.5, nms_thresh=0.4, clip_limit=0, clahe_kernel_size=None, gaussian_sigma=0, key_added=SopaKeys.STARDIST_BOUNDARIES, **stardist_eval_kwargs)

Run Stardist segmentation on a SpatialData object, and add a GeoDataFrame containing the cell boundaries.

Stardist installation

Make sure to install the stardist extra (pip install 'sopa[stardist]') for this method to work.


Name Type Description Default
sdata SpatialData

A SpatialData object

model_type str

Stardist model name.

image_key str | None

Name of the image in sdata to be used for segmentation.

channels list[str] | str | None

One or a list of channel names used for segmentation. None assumes RGB image.

min_area int

Minimum area of a cell to be considered.

delete_cache bool

Whether to delete the cache after segmentation.

recover bool

If True, recover the cache from a failed segmentation, and continue.

prob_thresh float

Stardist prob_thresh parameter.

nms_thresh float

Stardist nms_thresh parameter.

clip_limit float

Parameter for skimage.exposure.equalize_adapthist (applied before running stardist)

clahe_kernel_size int | list[int] | None

Parameter for skimage.exposure.equalize_adapthist (applied before running stardist)

gaussian_sigma float

Parameter for scipy gaussian_filter (applied before running stardist)

key_added str

Name of the shapes element to be added to sdata.

**stardist_eval_kwargs int

Kwargs to be provided to model.predict_instances (where model is a stardist.models.StarDist2D object)

Source code in sopa/segmentation/methods/
def stardist(
    sdata: SpatialData,
    model_type: str = "2D_versatile_he",
    image_key: str | None = None,
    channels: list[str] | str | None = None,
    min_area: int = 0,
    delete_cache: bool = True,
    recover: bool = False,
    prob_thresh: float = 0.5,
    nms_thresh: float = 0.4,
    clip_limit: float = 0,
    clahe_kernel_size: int | list[int] | None = None,
    gaussian_sigma: float = 0,
    key_added: str = SopaKeys.STARDIST_BOUNDARIES,
    **stardist_eval_kwargs: int,
    """Run [Stardist]( segmentation on a SpatialData object, and add a GeoDataFrame containing the cell boundaries.

    !!! warning "Stardist installation"
        Make sure to install the stardist extra (`pip install 'sopa[stardist]'`) for this method to work.

        sdata: A `SpatialData` object
        model_type: Stardist model name.
        image_key: Name of the image in `sdata` to be used for segmentation.
        channels: One or a list of channel names used for segmentation. None assumes RGB image.
        min_area: Minimum area of a cell to be considered.
        delete_cache: Whether to delete the cache after segmentation.
        recover: If `True`, recover the cache from a failed segmentation, and continue.
        prob_thresh: Stardist `prob_thresh` parameter.
        nms_thresh: Stardist `nms_thresh` parameter.
        clip_limit: Parameter for skimage.exposure.equalize_adapthist (applied before running stardist)
        clahe_kernel_size: Parameter for skimage.exposure.equalize_adapthist (applied before running stardist)
        gaussian_sigma: Parameter for scipy gaussian_filter (applied before running stardist)
        key_added: Name of the shapes element to be added to `sdata`.
        **stardist_eval_kwargs: Kwargs to be provided to `model.predict_instances` (where `model` is a `stardist.models.StarDist2D` object)
    method = stardist_patch(


sopa.segmentation.baysor(sdata, config=None, min_area=0, delete_cache=True, recover=False, force=False, scale=None, key_added=SopaKeys.BAYSOR_BOUNDARIES, patch_index=None)

Run Baysor segmentation on a SpatialData object, and add a GeoDataFrame containing the cell boundaries.

Baysor installation

Make sure to install Baysor, and either have the executable at ~/.julia/bin/baysor, or create an alias called baysor that points to the binary executable. Also, you'll need to install sopa with the baysor extra: pip install 'sopa[baysor]' (basically, this installs toml and loompy).

Inferred config

If the config argument is not provided, the configuration is inferred. If sopa.make_transcript_patches was run with a prior_shapes_key, the configuration is inferred based on the prior segmentation. Otherwise, the configuration is inferred based on the scale parameter (you'll need to provide it).


Name Type Description Default
sdata SpatialData

A SpatialData object.

config dict | str | None

Optional configuration dictionary or path to a TOML file containing a valid Baysor config. By default, a configuration is inferred based on the cell area of the prior segmentation, or based on the scale parameter.

min_area int

Minimal area (in microns^2) of a cell to be considered.

delete_cache bool

Whether to delete the cache after segmentation.

recover bool

If True, recover the cache from a failed segmentation, and continue.

force bool

If True, ignore failed patches and continue with the successful ones.

scale float | None

The typical cell radius in microns. If config is not provided, the configuration is inferred based on this parameter.

key_added str

Name of the shapes element to be added to sdata.shapes.

patch_index int | None

Index of the patch to segment (we do not recommend to set this argument). By default, segment all patches.

Source code in sopa/segmentation/methods/
def baysor(
    sdata: SpatialData,
    config: dict | str | None = None,
    min_area: int = 0,
    delete_cache: bool = True,
    recover: bool = False,
    force: bool = False,
    scale: float | None = None,
    key_added: str = SopaKeys.BAYSOR_BOUNDARIES,
    patch_index: int | None = None,
    """Run [Baysor]( segmentation on a SpatialData object, and add a GeoDataFrame containing the cell boundaries.

    !!! warning "Baysor installation"
        Make sure to install [Baysor](, and either have the executable at `~/.julia/bin/baysor`, or create an alias called
        `baysor` that points to the binary executable. Also, you'll need to install
        sopa with the baysor extra: `pip install 'sopa[baysor]'` (basically, this installs `toml` and `loompy`).

    !!! info "Inferred config"
        If the `config` argument is not provided, the configuration is inferred.
        If [sopa.make_transcript_patches][] was run with a `prior_shapes_key`, the configuration is inferred based on the prior segmentation.
        Otherwise, the configuration is inferred based on the `scale` parameter (you'll need to provide it).

        sdata: A `SpatialData` object.
        config: Optional configuration dictionary or path to a TOML file containing a valid Baysor config. By default, a configuration is inferred based on the cell area of the prior segmentation, or based on the `scale` parameter.
        min_area: Minimal area (in microns^2) of a cell to be considered.
        delete_cache: Whether to delete the cache after segmentation.
        recover: If `True`, recover the cache from a failed segmentation, and continue.
        force: If `True`, ignore failed patches and continue with the successful ones.
        scale: The typical cell radius in microns. If `config` is not provided, the configuration is inferred based on this parameter.
        key_added: Name of the shapes element to be added to `sdata.shapes`.
        patch_index: Index of the patch to segment (we do not recommend to set this argument). By default, segment all patches.

    prior_shapes_key = None
    if SopaKeys.PRIOR_SHAPES_KEY in sdata.shapes[SopaKeys.TRANSCRIPTS_PATCHES]:
        prior_shapes_key = sdata.shapes[SopaKeys.TRANSCRIPTS_PATCHES][SopaKeys.PRIOR_SHAPES_KEY].iloc[0]

    if config is None or not len(config):
        config = _get_default_config(sdata, prior_shapes_key, scale)

    baysor_command = _get_baysor_command(prior_shapes_key)

    baysor_patch = BaysorPatch(baysor_command, config, force=force, recover=recover, capture_output=patch_index is None)

    if patch_index is not None:
        patch_dir = Path(sdata.shapes[SopaKeys.TRANSCRIPTS_PATCHES].loc[patch_index, SopaKeys.CACHE_PATH_KEY])

    patches_dirs = get_transcripts_patches_dirs(sdata)
    settings._run_with_backend([partial(baysor_patch, patch_dir) for patch_dir in patches_dirs])

    if force:
        patches_dirs = [patch_dir for patch_dir in patches_dirs if (patch_dir / "segmentation_counts.loom").exists()]
        assert patches_dirs, "Baysor failed on all patches"

    gene_column = _get_gene_column_argument(config)
    resolve(sdata, patches_dirs, gene_column, min_area=min_area, key_added=key_added)

    sdata.attrs[SopaAttrs.BOUNDARIES] = key_added

    if delete_cache:

sopa.segmentation.comseg(sdata, config=None, min_area=0, delete_cache=True, recover=False, key_added=SopaKeys.COMSEG_BOUNDARIES, patch_index=None)

Run ComSeg segmentation on a SpatialData object, and add a GeoDataFrame containing the cell boundaries.

ComSeg installation

Make sure to install ComSeg (pip install comseg) for this method to work.

Transcript patches

To use ComSeg, make sure to run sopa.make_transcript_patches with a prior_shapes_key and write_cells_centroids=True.


Name Type Description Default
sdata SpatialData

A SpatialData object.

config dict | str | None

Optional configuration dictionary or path to a JSON file containing a valid ComSeg config. By default, a configuration is inferred based on the cell area of the prior segmentation.

min_area float

Minimal area (in microns^2) of a cell to be considered.

delete_cache bool

Whether to delete the cache after segmentation.

recover bool

If True, recover the cache from a failed segmentation, and continue.

key_added str

Name of the shapes element to be added to sdata.

patch_index int | None

Index of the patch to segment (we do not recommend to set this argument). By default, segment all patches.

Source code in sopa/segmentation/methods/
def comseg(
    sdata: SpatialData,
    config: dict | str | None = None,
    min_area: float = 0,
    delete_cache: bool = True,
    recover: bool = False,
    key_added: str = SopaKeys.COMSEG_BOUNDARIES,
    patch_index: int | None = None,
    """Run [ComSeg]( segmentation on a SpatialData object, and add a GeoDataFrame containing the cell boundaries.

    !!! warning "ComSeg installation"
        Make sure to install ComSeg (`pip install comseg`) for this method to work.

    !!! info "Transcript patches"
        To use ComSeg, make sure to run [sopa.make_transcript_patches][] with a `prior_shapes_key` and `write_cells_centroids=True`.

        sdata: A `SpatialData` object.
        config: Optional configuration dictionary or path to a JSON file containing a valid ComSeg config. By default, a configuration is inferred based on the cell area of the prior segmentation.
        min_area: Minimal area (in microns^2) of a cell to be considered.
        delete_cache: Whether to delete the cache after segmentation.
        recover: If `True`, recover the cache from a failed segmentation, and continue.
        key_added: Name of the shapes element to be added to `sdata`.
        patch_index: Index of the patch to segment (we do not recommend to set this argument). By default, segment all patches.
    _check_transcript_patches(sdata, with_prior=True)

    if config is None or not len(config):
        config = _get_default_config(sdata, sdata.shapes[SopaKeys.TRANSCRIPTS_PATCHES])
    elif isinstance(config, str):
        with open(config, "r") as f:
            config = json.load(f)

    assert "gene_column" in config, "'gene_column' not found in config"

    config["prior_name"] = sdata[SopaKeys.TRANSCRIPTS_PATCHES][SopaKeys.PRIOR_SHAPES_KEY].iloc[0]

    if patch_index is not None:
        patch_dir = Path(sdata.shapes[SopaKeys.TRANSCRIPTS_PATCHES].loc[patch_index, SopaKeys.CACHE_PATH_KEY])
        comseg_patch(patch_dir, config, recover)

    patches_dirs = get_transcripts_patches_dirs(sdata)

    _functions = [partial(comseg_patch, patch_dir, config, recover) for patch_dir in patches_dirs]

    resolve(sdata, patches_dirs, config["gene_column"], min_area=min_area, key_added=key_added)

    sdata.attrs[SopaAttrs.BOUNDARIES] = key_added

    if delete_cache:

sopa.segmentation.custom_staining_based(sdata, method, channels, image_key=None, min_area=0, delete_cache=True, recover=False, clip_limit=0.2, clahe_kernel_size=None, gaussian_sigma=1, cache_dir_name=SopaKeys.CUSTOM_BOUNDARIES, key_added=SopaKeys.CUSTOM_BOUNDARIES)

Run a generic staining-based segmentation model, and add a GeoDataFrame containing the cell boundaries.


Name Type Description Default
sdata SpatialData

A SpatialData object.

method Callable

A segmentation callable whose input is an image of shape (C, Y, X) and output is a cell mask of shape (Y, X). Each mask value >0 represent a unique cell ID. The C channels is determined by the channels argument.

channels list[str] | str

Name of the channels to be used for segmentation (or list of channel names).

image_key str | None

Name of the image in sdata to be used for segmentation.

min_area int

Minimum area of a cell to be considered.

delete_cache bool

Whether to delete the cache after segmentation.

recover bool

If True, recover the cache from a failed segmentation, and continue.

clip_limit float

Parameter for skimage.exposure.equalize_adapthist (applied before running segmentation)

clahe_kernel_size int | list[int] | None

Parameter for skimage.exposure.equalize_adapthist (applied before running segmentation)

gaussian_sigma float

Parameter for scipy gaussian_filter (applied before running segmentation)

cache_dir_name str

Name of the cache directory.

key_added str

Name of the key to be added to sdata.shapes.

Source code in sopa/segmentation/methods/
def custom_staining_based(
    sdata: SpatialData,
    method: Callable,
    channels: list[str] | str,
    image_key: str | None = None,
    min_area: int = 0,
    delete_cache: bool = True,
    recover: bool = False,
    clip_limit: float = 0.2,
    clahe_kernel_size: int | list[int] | None = None,
    gaussian_sigma: float = 1,
    cache_dir_name: str = SopaKeys.CUSTOM_BOUNDARIES,
    key_added: str = SopaKeys.CUSTOM_BOUNDARIES,
    """Run a generic staining-based segmentation model, and add a GeoDataFrame containing the cell boundaries.

        sdata: A `SpatialData` object.
        method: A segmentation `callable` whose input is an image of shape `(C, Y, X)` and output is a cell mask of shape `(Y, X)`. Each mask value `>0` represent a unique cell ID. The `C` channels is determined by the `channels` argument.
        channels: Name of the channels to be used for segmentation (or list of channel names).
        image_key: Name of the image in `sdata` to be used for segmentation.
        min_area: Minimum area of a cell to be considered.
        delete_cache: Whether to delete the cache after segmentation.
        recover: If `True`, recover the cache from a failed segmentation, and continue.
        clip_limit: Parameter for skimage.exposure.equalize_adapthist (applied before running segmentation)
        clahe_kernel_size: Parameter for skimage.exposure.equalize_adapthist (applied before running segmentation)
        gaussian_sigma: Parameter for scipy gaussian_filter (applied before running segmentation)
        cache_dir_name: Name of the cache directory.
        key_added: Name of the key to be added to `sdata.shapes`.
    temp_dir = get_cache_dir(sdata) / cache_dir_name

    segmentation = StainingSegmentation(
    segmentation.write_patches_cells(temp_dir, recover=recover)

    cells = StainingSegmentation.read_patches_cells(temp_dir)
    cells = solve_conflicts(cells)

    StainingSegmentation.add_shapes(sdata, cells, image_key=segmentation.image_key, key_added=key_added)

    sdata.attrs[SopaAttrs.BOUNDARIES] = key_added

    if delete_cache:

Tissue segmentation

sopa.segmentation.tissue(sdata, image_key=None, level=-1, mode=None, expand_radius_ratio=0.05, channel=None, clip_parameters=(0.9, 5), blur_kernel_size=5, open_kernel_size=5, close_kernel_size=5, drop_threshold=0.01, key_added=SopaKeys.ROI)

Perform a contouring of the tissue (i.e., "tissue-segmentation"). The resulting regions-of-interest(s) are saved as shapes in the SpatialData object. There are two modes available: saturation and staining. The saturation mode is used for H&E data, while the staining mode is used on staining images (more details below).

Saturation mode

This segmentation method first transforms the image from RBG color space to HSV. Then, on the basis of the saturation channel, a median blurring is applied with an element of size blur_kernel_size before running the Otsu method. Then a morphological opening and closing are applied as a prostprocessing step with square elements of size open_kernel_size and close_kernel_size. Lastly, the connected components with size less than drop_threshold * number_of_pixel_of_the_image are removed, and the rest are converted into polygons.

Staining mode

Instead of extracting the saturation channel, the image is converted to a grayscale image by taking the maximum value of all channels (or the specified channel, if "channel" is given). The rest of the steps are the same as in the saturation mode.


Name Type Description Default
sdata SpatialData

A SpatialData object representing an H&E image

image_key str | None

Optional key of the H&E image

level int

Level of the multiscale image on which the segmentation will be performed (if the image is a DataTree)

mode str | None

Two modes are available: saturation (for H&E data) and staining. By default, saturation is used only if there are exactly 3 channels.

expand_radius_ratio float

The ratio of the radius of the polygons that will be expanded.

channel str | None

The channel to use for the staining mode. If None, the maximum value of all channels is used.

clip_parameters tuple[float, float]

Parameters used to get the threshold used to clip the image before converting it to an 8-bit image (only used in "staining" mode). The first parameter is the quantile, and the second is the divisor. By default, the threshold is the 90th quantile divided by 5.

(0.9, 5)
blur_kernel_size int

The kernel size of the median bluring operation

open_kernel_size int

The kernel size of the morphological openning operation

close_kernel_size int

The kernel size of the morphological closing operation

drop_threshold float

Segments that cover less area than a ratio of drop_threshold of the number of pixels of the image will be removed

key_added str

Name of the spatial element that will be added, containing the segmented tissue polygons.

Source code in sopa/segmentation/
def tissue(
    sdata: SpatialData,
    image_key: str | None = None,
    level: int = -1,
    mode: str | None = None,
    expand_radius_ratio: float = 0.05,
    channel: str | None = None,
    clip_parameters: tuple[float, float] = (0.9, 5),
    blur_kernel_size: int = 5,
    open_kernel_size: int = 5,
    close_kernel_size: int = 5,
    drop_threshold: float = 0.01,
    key_added: str = SopaKeys.ROI,
    """Perform a contouring of the tissue (i.e., "tissue-segmentation"). The resulting regions-of-interest(s) are saved as shapes in the `SpatialData` object. There are two
    modes available: `saturation` and `staining`. The `saturation` mode is used for H&E data, while the `staining` mode
    is used on staining images (more details below).

    !!! info "Saturation mode"
        This segmentation method first transforms the image from RBG color space to HSV. Then,
        on the basis of the saturation channel, a median blurring is applied with an element of size `blur_kernel_size`
        before running the Otsu method. Then a morphological opening and closing are applied as a prostprocessing
        step with square elements of size `open_kernel_size` and `close_kernel_size`. Lastly, the connected components
        with size less than `drop_threshold * number_of_pixel_of_the_image` are removed, and the
        rest are converted into polygons.

    !!! info "Staining mode"
        Instead of extracting the saturation channel, the image is converted to a grayscale image by taking the maximum
        value of all channels (or the specified channel, if `"channel"` is given). The rest of the steps are the same as in the saturation mode.

        sdata: A `SpatialData` object representing an H&E image
        image_key: Optional key of the H&E image
        level: Level of the multiscale image on which the segmentation will be performed (if the image is a `DataTree`)
        mode: Two modes are available: `saturation` (for H&E data) and `staining`. By default, `saturation` is used only if there are exactly 3 channels.
        expand_radius_ratio: The ratio of the radius of the polygons that will be expanded.
        channel: The channel to use for the `staining` mode. If `None`, the maximum value of all channels is used.
        clip_parameters: Parameters used to get the threshold used to clip the image before converting it to an 8-bit image (only used in "staining" mode). The first parameter is the quantile, and the second is the divisor. By default, the threshold is the 90th quantile divided by 5.
        blur_kernel_size: The kernel size of the median bluring operation
        open_kernel_size: The kernel size of the morphological openning operation
        close_kernel_size: The kernel size of the morphological closing operation
        drop_threshold: Segments that cover less area than a ratio of `drop_threshold` of the number of pixels of the image will be removed
        key_added: Name of the spatial element that will be added, containing the segmented tissue polygons.
    image, mode = _get_image_and_mode(sdata, image_key, mode, channel)

    if key_added in sdata.shapes:
        log.warning(f"sdata['{key_added}'] was already existing, but tissue segmentation is run on top")

    if isinstance(image, DataTree):
        level_keys = list(image.keys())
        image: DataArray = next(iter(image[level_keys[level]].values()))

    geo_df = TissueSegmentation(

    if not len(geo_df):
            "No polygon has been found after tissue segmentation. "
            "Check that there is some tissue in the image, or consider updating the function parameters."

    geo_df = expand_radius(geo_df, expand_radius_ratio)
    geo_df = to_valid_polygons(geo_df)
    geo_df = ShapesModel.parse(geo_df, transformations=get_transformation(image, get_all=True).copy())

    add_spatial_element(sdata, key_added, geo_df)

Segmentation utils

sopa.segmentation.combine(sdata, elements, key_added, threshold=0.5)

Combine multiple segmentation boundaries into a single one.


On the example below, we run Cellpose twice, once for nuclei and once for tumor cells. We then combine the two segmentations into a single one.

import sopa

sdata =

sopa.segmentation.cellpose(sdata, "DAPI", diameter=35, key_added="nuclei")
sopa.segmentation.cellpose(sdata, ["DAPI", "CK"], diameter=35, key_added="tumor_cells")

sopa.segmentation.combine(sdata, ["nuclei", "tumor_cells"], key_added="combined_cells")


Name Type Description Default
sdata SpatialData

A SpatialData object.

elements list[str | GeoDataFrame]

List of name of the keys in sdata.shapes to be combined (or directly a list of GeoDataFrame).

key_added str

The name of the new key to be added to sdata.shapes.

threshold float

When two cells are overlapping, we look at the area of intersection over the area of the smallest cell. If this value is higher than the threshold, the cells are merged

Source code in sopa/segmentation/
def combine(
    sdata: SpatialData,
    elements: list[str | gpd.GeoDataFrame],
    key_added: str,
    threshold: float = 0.5,
    """Combine multiple segmentation boundaries into a single one.

        On the example below, we run Cellpose twice, once for nuclei and once for tumor cells. We then combine the two segmentations into a single one.
        import sopa

        sdata =

        sopa.segmentation.cellpose(sdata, "DAPI", diameter=35, key_added="nuclei")
        sopa.segmentation.cellpose(sdata, ["DAPI", "CK"], diameter=35, key_added="tumor_cells")

        sopa.segmentation.combine(sdata, ["nuclei", "tumor_cells"], key_added="combined_cells")

        sdata: A `SpatialData` object.
        elements: List of name of the keys in `sdata.shapes` to be combined (or directly a list of `GeoDataFrame`).
        key_added: The name of the new key to be added to `sdata.shapes`.
        threshold: When two cells are overlapping, we look at the area of intersection over the area of the smallest cell. If this value is higher than the `threshold`, the cells are merged
    assert len(elements) > 1, "At least two elements must be provided to combine"

    elements: list[gpd.GeoDataFrame] = [
        element if isinstance(element, gpd.GeoDataFrame) else sdata.shapes[element] for element in elements

    reference = elements[0]
    intrinsic_elements = [reference] + [to_intrinsic(sdata, element, reference) for element in elements[1:]]

    combined_cells = list(pd.concat([element.geometry for element in intrinsic_elements], axis=0))
    combined_cells = solve_conflicts(combined_cells, threshold=threshold)

    combined_geo_df = ShapesModel.parse(combined_cells, transformations=get_transformation(reference, get_all=True))

    sdata.shapes[key_added] = combined_geo_df