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sopa.segmentation.shapes.solve_conflicts(cells, threshold=0.5, patch_indices=None, return_indices=False)

Resolve segmentation conflicts (i.e. overlap) after running segmentation on patches


Name Type Description Default
cells list[Polygon]

List of cell polygons

threshold float

When two cells are overlapping, we look at the area of intersection over the area of the smallest cell. If this value is higher than the threshold, the cells are merged

patch_indices ndarray | None

Patch from which each cell belongs.

return_indices bool

If True, returns also the cells indices. Merged cells have an index of -1.



Type Description
ndarray[Polygon] | tuple[ndarray[Polygon], ndarray]

Array of resolved cells polygons. If return_indices, it also returns an array of cell indices.

Source code in sopa/segmentation/
def solve_conflicts(
    cells: list[Polygon],
    threshold: float = 0.5,
    patch_indices: np.ndarray | None = None,
    return_indices: bool = False,
) -> np.ndarray[Polygon] | tuple[np.ndarray[Polygon], np.ndarray]:
    """Resolve segmentation conflicts (i.e. overlap) after running segmentation on patches

        cells: List of cell polygons
        threshold: When two cells are overlapping, we look at the area of intersection over the area of the smallest cell. If this value is higher than the `threshold`, the cells are merged
        patch_indices: Patch from which each cell belongs.
        return_indices: If `True`, returns also the cells indices. Merged cells have an index of -1.

        Array of resolved cells polygons. If `return_indices`, it also returns an array of cell indices.
    cells = list(cells)
    n_cells = len(cells)
    resolved_indices = np.arange(n_cells)

    assert n_cells > 0, "No cells was segmented, cannot continue"

    tree = shapely.STRtree(cells)
    conflicts = tree.query(cells, predicate="intersects")

    if patch_indices is not None:
        conflicts = conflicts[:, patch_indices[conflicts[0]] != patch_indices[conflicts[1]]].T
        conflicts = conflicts[:, conflicts[0] != conflicts[1]].T

    for i1, i2 in tqdm(conflicts, desc="Resolving conflicts"):
        resolved_i1: int = resolved_indices[i1]
        resolved_i2: int = resolved_indices[i2]
        cell1, cell2 = cells[resolved_i1], cells[resolved_i2]

        intersection = cell1.intersection(cell2).area
        if intersection >= threshold * min(cell1.area, cell2.area):
            cell = _ensure_polygon(cell1.union(cell2))

            resolved_indices[np.isin(resolved_indices, [resolved_i1, resolved_i2])] = len(cells)

    unique_indices = np.unique(resolved_indices)
    unique_cells = np.array(cells)[unique_indices]

    if return_indices:
        return unique_cells, np.where(unique_indices < n_cells, unique_indices, -1)

    return unique_cells

sopa.segmentation.shapes.geometrize(mask, tolerance=None, smooth_radius_ratio=0.1)

Convert a cells mask to multiple shapely geometries. Inspired from


Name Type Description Default
mask ndarray

A cell mask. Non-null values correspond to cell ids

tolerance float | None

Tolerance parameter used by shapely during simplification. By default, define the tolerance automatically.



Type Description

List of shapely polygons representing each cell ID of the mask

Source code in sopa/segmentation/
def geometrize(mask: np.ndarray, tolerance: float | None = None, smooth_radius_ratio: float = 0.1) -> list[Polygon]:
    """Convert a cells mask to multiple `shapely` geometries. Inspired from

        mask: A cell mask. Non-null values correspond to cell ids
        tolerance: Tolerance parameter used by `shapely` during simplification. By default, define the tolerance automatically.

        List of `shapely` polygons representing each cell ID of the mask
    max_cells = mask.max()

    if max_cells == 0:
        log.warn("No cell was returned by the segmentation")
        return []

    cells = [_contours((mask == cell_id).astype("uint8")) for cell_id in range(1, max_cells + 1)]

    mean_radius = np.sqrt(np.array([cell.area for cell in cells]) / np.pi).mean()
    smooth_radius = mean_radius * smooth_radius_ratio

    if tolerance is None:
        tolerance = _default_tolerance(mean_radius)

    cells = [_smoothen_cell(cell, smooth_radius, tolerance) for cell in cells]
    cells = [cell for cell in cells if cell is not None]
        f"Percentage of non-geometrized cells: {(max_cells - len(cells)) / max_cells:.2%} (usually due to segmentation artefacts)"

    return cells

sopa.segmentation.shapes.rasterize(cell, shape, xy_min=[0, 0])

Transform a cell polygon into a numpy array with value 1 where the polygon touches a pixel, else 0.


Name Type Description Default
cell Polygon | MultiPolygon

Cell polygon to rasterize.

shape tuple[int, int]

Image shape as a tuple (y, x).

xy_min tuple[int, int]

Tuple containing the origin of the image [x0, y0].

[0, 0]


Type Description

The mask array.

Source code in sopa/segmentation/
def rasterize(cell: Polygon | MultiPolygon, shape: tuple[int, int], xy_min: tuple[int, int] = [0, 0]) -> np.ndarray:
    """Transform a cell polygon into a numpy array with value 1 where the polygon touches a pixel, else 0.

        cell: Cell polygon to rasterize.
        shape: Image shape as a tuple (y, x).
        xy_min: Tuple containing the origin of the image [x0, y0].

        The mask array.
    import cv2

    xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = [xy_min[0], xy_min[1], xy_min[0] + shape[1], xy_min[1] + shape[0]]

    cell_translated = shapely.affinity.translate(cell, -xmin, -ymin)
    geoms = cell_translated.geoms if isinstance(cell_translated, MultiPolygon) else [cell_translated]

    rasterized_image = np.zeros((ymax - ymin, xmax - xmin), dtype=np.int8)

    for geom in geoms:
        coords = np.array(geom.exterior.coords)[None, :].astype(np.int32)
        cv2.fillPoly(rasterized_image, coords, color=1)

    return rasterized_image