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CLI (command-line-interface)


When installing sopa as written in our getting-started guidelines, a new command named sopa becomes available.

CLI helper

Run sopa --help to get details about all the command line purposes. You can also use this helper on any subcommand, for instance, sopa read --help.

// Run the Sopa CLI helper
$ sopa --help
 Usage: sopa [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
╭─ Commands ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ aggregate     Aggregate transcripts/channels inside cells      │
│ annotate      Perform cell-type annotation                     │
│ check         Run some sanity checks                           │
│ crop          Crop an image based on a user-defined polygon    │
│ explorer      Conversion to the Xenium Explorer's inputs       │
│ patchify      Create patches with overlaps                     │
│ read          Read any technology + write a SpatialData object │
│ report        Create a web-report with figures/QCs             │
│ resolve       Resolve the segmentation conflicts over patches  │
│ segmentation  Perform cell segmentation on patches             │
// Example: run cellpose segmentation
$ sopa segmentation cellpose sdata.zarr
... [Logs] ...


If you don't know in which order to run these commands, refer to the image in the homepage, or see our CLI usage tutorial.

When running the sopa CLI, some arguments are required, while some are optional. For instance, for the sopa read command, sdata_path is an argument, and a path has to be given directly, while technology is an option (in this case, the --technology prefix has to be used). For instance, if you read MERSCOPE data, it will be:

sopa read /path/to/merscope/directory --technology merscope

Note that /path/to/merscope/directory refers to sdata_path, which is an argument. You should not add the suffix --sdata_path, as it is an argument.

Required options

All the arguments are required, as shown by the [required] hint on the CLI helper. Note that some options may also be required too (in this case, the term [required] will appear on the CLI helper). But they still need to be called as a normal option.

sopa commands




  • --help: Show this message and exit.


  • aggregate: Create an anndata table containing the...
  • annotate: Perform cell-type annotation (based on...
  • check: Run some sanity checks (e.g., on the YAML...
  • crop: Crop an image based on a user-defined...
  • explorer: Convertion to the Xenium Explorer's...
  • patchify: Create patches with overlaps.
  • read: Read any technology data, and write a...
  • report: Create a HTML report of the pipeline run...
  • resolve: Resolve the segmentation conflicts over...
  • segmentation: Perform cell segmentation on patches.

sopa aggregate

Create an anndata table containing the transcript count and/or the channel intensities per cell


$ sopa aggregate [OPTIONS] SDATA_PATH


  • SDATA_PATH: Path to the SpatialData .zarr directory [required]


  • --gene-column TEXT: Column of the transcript dataframe representing the gene names. If not provided, it will not compute transcript count
  • --average-intensities / --no-average-intensities: Whether to average the channel intensities inside each cell [default: no-average-intensities]
  • --expand-radius-ratio FLOAT: Cells polygons will be expanded by expand_radius_ratio * mean_radius for channels averaging only. This help better aggregate boundary stainings [default: 0]
  • --min-transcripts INTEGER: Cells with less transcript than this integer will be filtered [default: 0]
  • --min-intensity-ratio FLOAT: Cells whose mean channel intensity is less than min_intensity_ratio * quantile_90 will be filtered [default: 0]
  • --image-key TEXT: Optional image key of the SpatialData object. By default, considers the only one image. It can be useful if another image is added later on
  • --method-name TEXT: If segmentation was performed with a generic method, this is the name of the method used.
  • --help: Show this message and exit.

sopa annotate

Perform cell-type annotation (based on transcripts and/or channel intensities)


$ sopa annotate [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...


  • --help: Show this message and exit.


  • fluorescence: Simple annotation based on fluorescence,...
  • tangram: Tangram segmentation (i.e., uses an...

sopa annotate fluorescence

Simple annotation based on fluorescence, where each provided channel corresponds to one cell type.

For each cell, one z-score statistic is computed and the population with the highest z-score is attributed.


$ sopa annotate fluorescence [OPTIONS] SDATA_PATH


  • SDATA_PATH: Path to the SpatialData .zarr directory [required]


  • --marker-cell-dict TEXT: [required]
  • --cell-type-key TEXT: Key added in adata.obs corresponding to the cell type [default: cell_type]
  • --help: Show this message and exit.

sopa annotate tangram

Tangram segmentation (i.e., uses an annotated scRNAseq reference to transfer cell-types)


$ sopa annotate tangram [OPTIONS] SDATA_PATH


  • SDATA_PATH: Path to the SpatialData .zarr directory [required]


  • --sc-reference-path TEXT: Path to the scRNAseq annotated reference, as a .h5ad file [required]
  • --cell-type-key TEXT: Key of adata_ref.obs containing the cell-types [required]
  • --reference-preprocessing TEXT: Preprocessing method applied to the reference. Either None (raw counts), or normalized (sc.pp.normalize_total) or log1p (sc.pp.normalize_total and sc.pp.log1p)
  • --bag-size INTEGER: Number of cells in each bag of the spatial table. Low values will decrease the memory usage [default: 10000]
  • --max-obs-reference INTEGER: Maximum samples to be considered in the reference for tangram. Low values will decrease the memory usage [default: 10000]
  • --help: Show this message and exit.

sopa check

Run some sanity checks (e.g., on the YAML config, on the tangram reference, ...)


$ sopa check [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...


  • --help: Show this message and exit.


  • config: Perform sanity checks on a sopa yaml config
  • reference: Perform sanity checks on a tangram...

sopa check config

Perform sanity checks on a sopa yaml config


$ sopa check config [OPTIONS] PATH


  • PATH: Path to the YAML config [required]


  • --help: Show this message and exit.

sopa check reference

Perform sanity checks on a tangram scRNAseq reference


$ sopa check reference [OPTIONS] REFERENCE_PATH


  • REFERENCE_PATH: Path to the scRNAseq reference as a .h5ad file [required]


  • --cell-type-key TEXT: Key of adata.obs containing the cell types [required]
  • --help: Show this message and exit.

sopa crop

Crop an image based on a user-defined polygon (interactive mode).


  • [Locally] Only --sdata-path is required

  • [On a cluster] Run sopa crop with --sdata-path and --intermediate-image on the cluster. Then, download the image locally, and run sopa crop with --intermediate-image and --intermediate-polygon. Then, upload the polygon and run sopa crop on the cluster with --sdata-path and --intermediate-polygon.


$ sopa crop [OPTIONS]


  • --sdata-path TEXT: Path to the SpatialData .zarr directory
  • --intermediate-image TEXT: Path to the intermediate image, with a .zip extension. Use this only if the interactive mode is not available
  • --intermediate-polygon TEXT: Path to the intermediate polygon, with a .zip extension. Use this locally, after downloading the intermediate_image
  • --channels TEXT: List of channel names to be displayed. Optional if there are already only 1 or 3 channels
  • --scale-factor FLOAT: Resize the image by this value (high value for a lower memory usage) [default: 10]
  • --margin-ratio FLOAT: Ratio of the image margin on the display (compared to the image size) [default: 0.1]
  • --help: Show this message and exit.

sopa explorer

Convertion to the Xenium Explorer's inputs, and image alignment


$ sopa explorer [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...


  • --help: Show this message and exit.


  • add-aligned: After alignment on the Xenium Explorer,...
  • update-obs: Update the cell categories for the Xenium...
  • write: Convert a spatialdata object to Xenium...

sopa explorer add-aligned

After alignment on the Xenium Explorer, add an image to the SpatialData object




  • SDATA_PATH: Path to the SpatialData .zarr directory [required]
  • IMAGE_PATH: Path to the image file to be added (.ome.tif used in the explorer during alignment) [required]
  • TRANSFORMATION_MATRIX_PATH: Path to the matrix.csv file returned by the Explorer after alignment [required]


  • --original-image-key TEXT: Optional original-image key (of sdata.images) on which the new image will be aligned. This doesn't need to be provided if there is only one image
  • --overwrite / --no-overwrite: Whether to overwrite the image if existing [default: no-overwrite]
  • --help: Show this message and exit.

sopa explorer update-obs

Update the cell categories for the Xenium Explorer's (i.e. what's in adata.obs). This is useful when you perform analysis and update your AnnData object


Make sure you have already run sopa explorer write before. This command should only be used if you updated adata.obs


$ sopa explorer update-obs [OPTIONS] ADATA_PATH OUTPUT_PATH


  • ADATA_PATH: Path to the anndata file (zarr or h5ad) containing the new observations [required]
  • OUTPUT_PATH: Path to the Xenium Explorer directory (it will update [required]


  • --help: Show this message and exit.

sopa explorer write

Convert a spatialdata object to Xenium Explorer's inputs


$ sopa explorer write [OPTIONS] SDATA_PATH


  • SDATA_PATH: Path to the SpatialData .zarr directory [required]


  • --output-path TEXT: Path to a directory where Xenium Explorer's outputs will be saved. By default, writes to the same path as sdata_path but with the .explorer suffix
  • --gene-column TEXT: Column name of the points dataframe containing the gene names
  • --shapes-key TEXT: Sdata key for the boundaries. By default, uses the baysor boundaires, else the cellpose boundaries
  • --pixel-size FLOAT: Number of microns in a pixel. Invalid value can lead to inconsistent scales in the Explorer. [default: 0.2125]
  • --pixelsize FLOAT: pixelsize is deprecated and will be removed in future versions. Use pixel_size instead.
  • --lazy / --no-lazy: If True, will not load the full images in memory (except if the image memory is below ram_threshold_gb) [default: lazy]
  • --ram-threshold-gb INTEGER: Threshold (in gygabytes) from which image can be loaded in memory. If None, the image is never loaded in memory [default: 4]
  • --mode TEXT: String that indicated which files should be created. '-ib' means everything except images and boundaries, while '+tocm' means only transcripts/observations/counts/metadata (each letter corresponds to one explorer file). By default, keeps everything
  • --save-h5ad / --no-save-h5ad: Whether to save the adata as h5ad in the explorer directory (for convenience only, since h5ad is faster to open than the original .zarr table) [default: save-h5ad]
  • --help: Show this message and exit.

sopa patchify

Create patches with overlaps. Afterwards, segmentation will be run on each patch


$ sopa patchify [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...


  • --help: Show this message and exit.


  • baysor: Prepare patches for transcript-based...
  • comseg: Prepare patches for transcript-based...
  • image: Prepare patches for staining-based...

sopa patchify baysor

Prepare patches for transcript-based segmentation with Baysor


$ sopa patchify baysor [OPTIONS] SDATA_PATH


  • SDATA_PATH: Path to the SpatialData .zarr directory [required]


  • --patch-width-microns FLOAT: Width (and height) of each patch in microns [required]
  • --patch-overlap-microns FLOAT: Number of overlapping microns between the patches. We advise to choose approximately twice the diameter of a cell [required]
  • --baysor-temp-dir TEXT: Temporary directory where baysor inputs and outputs will be saved. By default, uses .sopa_cache/baysor_boundaries
  • --config-path TEXT: Path to the baysor config (you can also directly provide the argument via the config option)
  • --config TEXT: Dictionnary of baysor parameters, overwrite the config_path argument if provided [default: {}]
  • --cell-key TEXT: Optional column of the transcripts dataframe that indicates in which cell-id each transcript is, in order to use prior segmentation Default is 'cell' if cell_key=None
  • --unassigned-value INTEGER: If --cell-key is provided, this is the value given to transcripts that are not inside any cell (if it's already 0, don't provide this argument)
  • --use-prior / --no-use-prior: Whether to use cellpose segmentation as a prior for baysor (if True, make sure to first run Cellpose) [default: no-use-prior]
  • --help: Show this message and exit.

sopa patchify comseg

Prepare patches for transcript-based segmentation with ComSeg


$ sopa patchify comseg [OPTIONS] SDATA_PATH


  • SDATA_PATH: Path to the SpatialData .zarr directory [required]


  • --patch-width-microns FLOAT: Width (and height) of each patch in microns [required]
  • --patch-overlap-microns FLOAT: Number of overlapping microns between the patches. We advise to choose approximately twice the diameter of a cell [required]
  • --comseg-temp-dir TEXT: Temporary directory where baysor inputs and outputs will be saved. By default, uses .sopa_cache/comseg_boundaries
  • --config-path TEXT: Path to the ComSeg json config file (you can also directly provide the argument via the config option)
  • --config TEXT: Dictionnary of ComSeg parameters, overwrite the config_path argument if provided [default: {}]
  • --cell-key TEXT: Optional column of the transcripts dataframe that indicates in which cell-id each transcript is, in order to use prior segmentation. Default is cell if cell_key=None
  • --unassigned-value INTEGER: If --cell-key is provided, this is the value given to transcripts that are not inside any cell (if it's already 0, don't provide this argument)
  • --help: Show this message and exit.

sopa patchify image

Prepare patches for staining-based segmentation (including Cellpose)


$ sopa patchify image [OPTIONS] SDATA_PATH


  • SDATA_PATH: Path to the SpatialData .zarr directory [required]


  • --patch-width-pixel FLOAT: Width (and height) of each patch in pixels [default: 5000]
  • --patch-overlap-pixel FLOAT: Number of overlapping pixels between the patches. We advise to choose approximately twice the diameter of a cell [default: 100]
  • --help: Show this message and exit.

sopa read

Read any technology data, and write a standardized SpatialData object.

Either --technology or --config-path has to be provided.


$ sopa read [OPTIONS] DATA_PATH


  • DATA_PATH: Path to one data sample (most of the time, this corresponds to a directory with images files and eventually a transcript file) [required]


  • --technology TEXT: Name of the technology used to collected the data (xenium/merfish/cosmx/phenocycler/macsima/hyperion)
  • --sdata-path TEXT: Optional path to write the SpatialData object. If not provided, will write to the {data_path}.zarr directory
  • --config-path TEXT: Path to the snakemake config. This can be useful in order not to provide the --technology and the --kwargs arguments
  • --kwargs TEXT: Dictionary provided to the reader function as kwargs [default: {}]
  • --help: Show this message and exit.

sopa report

Create a HTML report of the pipeline run and some quality controls




  • SDATA_PATH: Path to the SpatialData .zarr directory [required]
  • PATH: Path to the HTML report [required]


  • --help: Show this message and exit.

sopa resolve

Resolve the segmentation conflicts over patches overlaps


$ sopa resolve [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...


  • --help: Show this message and exit.


  • baysor: Resolve patches conflicts after baysor...
  • cellpose: Resolve patches conflicts after cellpose...
  • comseg: Resolve patches conflicts after comseg...
  • generic: Resolve patches conflicts after generic...

sopa resolve baysor

Resolve patches conflicts after baysor segmentation. Provide either --baysor-temp-dir or --patches-dirs


$ sopa resolve baysor [OPTIONS] SDATA_PATH


  • SDATA_PATH: Path to the SpatialData .zarr directory [required]


  • --gene-column TEXT: Column of the transcripts dataframe containing the genes names [required]
  • --baysor-temp-dir TEXT: Path to the directory containing all the baysor patches (see sopa patchify). By default, uses the .sopa_cache/baysor_boundaries directory
  • --min-area FLOAT: Cells with an area less than this value (in microns^2) will be filtered [default: 0]
  • --patches-dirs TEXT: List of patches directories inside baysor_temp_dir
  • --help: Show this message and exit.

sopa resolve cellpose

Resolve patches conflicts after cellpose segmentation


$ sopa resolve cellpose [OPTIONS] SDATA_PATH


  • SDATA_PATH: Path to the SpatialData .zarr directory [required]


  • --patch-dir TEXT: Directory containing the cellpose segmentation on patches (or multiple directories if using multi-step segmentation). By default, uses the .sopa_cache/cellpose_boundaries directory
  • --help: Show this message and exit.

sopa resolve comseg

Resolve patches conflicts after comseg segmentation. Provide either --comseg-temp-dir or --patches-dirs


$ sopa resolve comseg [OPTIONS] SDATA_PATH


  • SDATA_PATH: Path to the SpatialData .zarr directory [required]


  • --gene-column TEXT: Column of the transcripts dataframe containing the genes names [required]
  • --comseg-temp-dir TEXT: Path to the directory containing all the comseg patches (see sopa patchify). By default, uses the .sopa_cache/comseg_boundaries directory
  • --min-area FLOAT: Cells with an area less than this value (in microns^2) will be filtered [default: 0]
  • --patches-dirs TEXT: List of patches directories inside comseg_temp_dir
  • --help: Show this message and exit.

sopa resolve generic

Resolve patches conflicts after generic segmentation


$ sopa resolve generic [OPTIONS] SDATA_PATH


  • SDATA_PATH: Path to the SpatialData .zarr directory [required]


  • --method-name TEXT: Name of the method used during segmentation. This is also the key correspnding to the boundaries in sdata.shapes [required]
  • --patch-dir TEXT: Directory containing the generic segmentation on patches (or multiple directories if using multi-step segmentation). By default, uses the .sopa_cache/<method_name> directory
  • --help: Show this message and exit.

sopa segmentation

Perform cell segmentation on patches. NB: for baysor, use directly the baysor command line.


$ sopa segmentation [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...


  • --help: Show this message and exit.


  • cellpose: Perform cellpose segmentation.
  • comseg: Perform ComSeg segmentation.
  • generic-staining: Perform generic staining-based segmentation.

sopa segmentation cellpose

Perform cellpose segmentation. This can be done on all patches directly, or on one individual patch.


  • [On one patch] Use this mode to run patches in parallel. Provide --patch-index to run one patch, and execute all patches in a parallel manner (you need to define your own parallelization, else, use the Snakemake pipeline).

  • [On all patches at once] For small images, you can run the segmentation method sequentially (--patch-index is not needed)


$ sopa segmentation cellpose [OPTIONS] SDATA_PATH


  • SDATA_PATH: Path to the SpatialData .zarr directory [required]


  • --diameter FLOAT: Cellpose diameter parameter [required]
  • --channels TEXT: Names of the channels used for Cellpose. If one channel, then provide just a nucleus channel. If two channels, this is the nucleus and then the cytoplasm channel [required]
  • --flow-threshold FLOAT: Cellpose flow_threshold parameter [default: 2]
  • --cellprob-threshold FLOAT: Cellpose cellprob_threshold parameter [default: -6]
  • --model-type TEXT: Name of the cellpose model [default: cyto3]
  • --pretrained-model TEXT: Path to the pretrained model to be loaded
  • --min-area INTEGER: Minimum area (in pixels^2) for a cell to be considered as valid [default: 0]
  • --clip-limit FLOAT: Parameter for skimage.exposure.equalize_adapthist (applied before running cellpose) [default: 0.2]
  • --gaussian-sigma FLOAT: Parameter for scipy gaussian_filter (applied before running cellpose) [default: 1]
  • --patch-index INTEGER: Index of the patch on which cellpose should be run. NB: the number of patches is len(sdata['sopa_patches'])
  • --patch-dir TEXT: Path to the temporary cellpose directory inside which we will store each individual patch segmentation. By default, saves into the .sopa_cache/cellpose_boundaries directory
  • --method-kwargs TEXT: Kwargs for the cellpose method builder. This should be a dictionnary, in inline string format. [default: {}]
  • --help: Show this message and exit.

sopa segmentation comseg

Perform ComSeg segmentation. This can be done on all patches directly, or on one individual patch.


$ sopa segmentation comseg [OPTIONS] SDATA_PATH


  • SDATA_PATH: Path to the SpatialData .zarr directory [required]


  • --patch-index INTEGER: Index of the patch on which the segmentation method should be run.`
  • --patch-dir TEXT: Path to the temporary the segmentation method directory inside which we will store each individual patch segmentation. By default, saves into the .sopa_cache/comseg directory
  • --help: Show this message and exit.

sopa segmentation generic-staining

Perform generic staining-based segmentation. This can be done on all patches directly, or on one individual patch.


First, define a new segmentation method, and write it under sopa.segmentation.methods. It should correspond to a function that is a "callable builder", i.e. kwargs will be provided to this function, and it will return a callable that will be applied on patches.

As for Cellpose, two modes ara available:

  • [On one patch] Use this mode to run patches in parallel. Provide --patch-index to run one patch, and execute all patches in a parallel manner (you need to define your own parallelization, else, use the Snakemake pipeline).

  • [On all patches at once] For small images, you can run the segmentation method sequentially (--patch-index is not needed)


$ sopa segmentation generic-staining [OPTIONS] SDATA_PATH


  • SDATA_PATH: Path to the SpatialData .zarr directory [required]


  • --method-name TEXT: Name of the segmentation method builder to use. The corresponding function (sopa.segmentation.methods.<method_name>) will be used, and the kwargs below will be used to instantiate the method. [required]
  • --method-kwargs TEXT: Kwargs for the method. This should be a dictionnary, in inline string format. [default: {}]
  • --channels TEXT: Names of the channels used for segmentation. [required]
  • --min-area INTEGER: Minimum area (in pixels^2) for a cell to be considered as valid [default: 0]
  • --clip-limit FLOAT: Parameter for skimage.exposure.equalize_adapthist (applied before running the segmentation method) [default: 0.2]
  • --gaussian-sigma FLOAT: Parameter for scipy gaussian_filter (applied before running the segmentation method) [default: 1]
  • --patch-index INTEGER: Index of the patch on which the segmentation method should be run. NB: the number of patches is len(sdata['sopa_patches'])
  • --patch-dir TEXT: Path to the temporary the segmentation method directory inside which we will store each individual patch segmentation. By default, saves into the .sopa_cache/<method_name> directory
  • --help: Show this message and exit.