Command line interface
When installing sopa
as written in our getting-started guidelines, a new command named sopa
becomes available.
The Snakemake pipeline is recommended to get started with Sopa. Using the CLI is advised if you want more flexibility, but you'll need to parallelize the segmentation yourself, as detailed below.
CLI helper
Run sopa --help
to get details about all the command line purposes. You can also use this helper on any subcommand, for instance, sopa convert --help
// Run the Sopa CLI helper
$ sopa --help
Usage: sopa [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
╭─ Commands ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ aggregate Aggregate transcripts/channels inside cells │
│ annotate Perform cell-type annotation │
│ crop Crop an image based on a user-defined polygon │
│ explorer Conversion to the Xenium Explorer's inputs │
│ patchify Create patches with overlaps │
│ read Read any technology + write a SpatialData object │
│ report Create a web-report with figures/QCs │
│ resolve Resolve the segmentation conflicts over patches │
│ segmentation Perform cell segmentation on patches │
// Example: run cellpose segmentation
$ sopa segmentation cellpose sdata.zarr
... [Logs] ...
Save the SpatialData
For this tutorial, we use a generated dataset. You can expect a total runtime of a few minutes.
The command below will generate and save it on disk (you can change the path tuto.zarr
to save it somewhere else). If you want to load your own data: choose the right panel below. For more information, refer to this FAQ describing which data input you need, or run sopa convert --help
It has created a .zarr
directory which stores a SpatialData
object corresponding to your data sample. You can choose the location of the .zarr
directory using the --sdata-path
command line argument.
Run segmentation
Option 1: Cellpose
First, generate the bounding boxes of the patches on which Cellpose will be run. Here, the patches have a width and height of 1500 pixels and an overlap of 50 pixels. We advise bigger sizes for real datasets (see our default parameters in one of our config files). On the toy dataset, this will generate 4 patches.
Now, we can run Cellpose on each individual patch. You can either run it directly on all patches (first option below), or on each patch individually (second option - ideal if you want to parallelize it yourself).
The easiest way to run Cellpose is to use the command below, which directly run Cellpose on all patches and resolve the segmentation. You can add an additional channel, for instance, you can use --channels DAPI --channels PolyT
By default, this will run cellpose sequentially. To make it run it parallel, you can export the following env variable: export SOPA_PARALLELIZATION_BACKEND=dask
Execute the following command line on all patch-index
(i.e., 0
, 1
, 2
, and 3
) to run Cellpose using DAPI only (you can add an additional channel, for instance, --channels DAPI --channels PolyT
Manually running the commands below can involve using many consecutive commands, so we recommend automatizing it. For instance, this can be done using Snakemake or Nextflow. This will help you parallelize it since you can run each task on separate jobs or using multithreading. You can also see how we do it in our Snakefile. If you prefer using the already existing pipeline instead of the CLI, you can read our Snakemake pipeline tutorial.
To automatically get the number of patches, you can either open the tuto.zarr/.sopa_cache/patches_file_image
file, or compute len(sdata['image_patches'])
in Python.
sopa segmentation cellpose tuto.zarr \
--channels DAPI \
--diameter 35 \
--min-area 2000 \
--patch-index 0
sopa segmentation cellpose tuto.zarr \
--channels DAPI \
--diameter 35 \
--min-area 2000 \
--patch-index 1
sopa segmentation cellpose tuto.zarr \
--channels DAPI \
--diameter 35 \
--min-area 2000 \
--patch-index 2
sopa segmentation cellpose tuto.zarr \
--channels DAPI \
--diameter 35 \
--min-area 2000 \
--patch-index 3
At this stage, you executed 4 times Cellpose (once per patch). Now, we need to resolve the conflict, i.e. where boundaries are overlapping due to segmentation on multiple patches:
In the above commands, the --diameter
and --min-area
parameters are specific to the data type we work on. For your own data, consider using the default parameters from one of our config files. Here, min-area
is in pixels^2.
Option 2: Baysor
Baysor needs a config to be executed. You can find official config examples here.
You can also reuse the Baysor parameter we have defined for each machine, as in our Snakemake config files. Note that, our Snakemake config is a .yaml
file, but the Baysor config should still be a .toml
For this tutorial, we will use the config below. Save this in a config.toml
force_2d = true
min_molecules_per_cell = 10
x = "x"
y = "y"
z = "z"
gene = "genes"
min_molecules_per_gene = 0
min_molecules_per_segment = 3
confidence_nn_id = 6
scale = 6 # typical cell radius in microns (IMPORTANT)
scale_std = "25%" # cell radius standard deviation
prior_segmentation_confidence = 0
estimate_scale_from_centers = false
n_clusters = 4
iters = 500
n_cells_init = 0
nuclei_genes = ""
cyto_genes = ""
Then, we generate the bounding boxes of the patches on which Baysor will be run. Here, the patches have a width and height of 200 microns. We advise bigger sizes for real datasets (see our default parameters in one of our config files). On the toy dataset, this will generate 4 patches.
sopa patchify transcripts tuto.zarr --patch-width-microns 200 --prior-shapes-key cellpose_boundaries
As for cellpose, you can either run Baysor directly on all patches, or on each patch individually. You can provide the config argument as an inline dictionnary, or as a path to a .toml
file, as below.
The easiest way to run Baysor is to use the command below, which directly run Baysor on all patches and resolve the segmentation.
By default, this will run baysor sequentially. To make it run it parallel, you can export the following env variable: export SOPA_PARALLELIZATION_BACKEND=dask
Now, we can run Baysor on each individual patch. Execute the following command lines to run Baysor on each patch (i.e., 0
, 1
, 2
, and 3
Manually running the commands below can involve using many consecutive commands, so we recommend automatizing it. For instance, this can be done using Snakemake or Nextflow. This will help you parallelize it since you can run each task on separate jobs or using multithreading. You can also see how we do it in the Sopa Snakemake pipeline.
To automatically get the number of patches, you can open the tuto.zarr/.sopa_cache/patches_file_transcripts
file. This lists the names of the directories inside tuto.zarr/.sopa_cache/baysor
related to each patch. If you selected an ROI, the excluded patches are effectively not in the patches_file_transcripts
sopa segmentation baysor tuto.zarr --config '"config.toml"' --patch-index 0
sopa segmentation baysor tuto.zarr --config '"config.toml"' --patch-index 1
sopa segmentation baysor tuto.zarr --config '"config.toml"' --patch-index 2
sopa segmentation baysor tuto.zarr --config '"config.toml"' --patch-index 3
At this stage, you executed 4 times Baysor (once per patch). Now, we need to resolve the conflict, i.e. where boundaries are overlapping due to segmentation on multiple patches:
Option 3: Custom staining-based
As for Cellpose, we generate the bounding boxes of the patches on which staining-based segmentation will be run.
With the sopa segmentation generic-staining
command, you can use a custom segmentation method, with the signature described here (or any function named *_patch
from this file).
For instance, we can use stardist_patch
directly from the CLI as below.
The toy dataset is not H&E based, so stardist will fail on this example because of the number of channels. To create the right number of channels on the toy dataset, you can use the following command:
This mandatory step turns the data into an AnnData
object. We can count the transcript inside each cell, and/or average each channel intensity inside each cell boundary.
If desired, cell-type annotation can be run. Currently, we support Tangram for transcript-based annotation and a simple scoring approach for channel-based annotation (called channel z-score).
For now, our fluorescence-based annotation is very simple. We provide a dictionary where a channel is associated with a population. Then, each cell is associated with the cell type whose corresponding channel is the brightest (according to a certain Z-score). In this tutorial example, we can annotate Tumoral cells, T cells, and B cells:
sopa annotate fluorescence tuto.zarr --marker-cell-dict '{"CK": "Tumoral cell", "CD3": "T cell", "CD20": "B cell"}'
More complex annotation
If you have a large number of channels, it may be preferable to run clustering on your data, for instance, using Leiden clustering. Then, you can annotate each cluster manually by plotting a heatmap of all channels expressions per cluster.
Tangram is a transcript-based annotation that uses an annotated single-cell reference. Let's suppose your reference AnnData
object is stored in a file called adata_reference.h5ad
(preferably, keep raw counts), and the cell type is in adata.obs["cell_type"]
. Then, you can annotate your spatial data as follows:
Pipeline report
You can optionally create an HTML report of the pipeline run (in the example below, we save it under report.html
). It contains some quality controls for your data.
Visualization (Xenium Explorer)
The Xenium Explorer is a software developed by 10X Genomics for visualizing spatial data, and it can be downloaded freely here. Sopa allows the conversion to the Xenium Explorer, whatever the type of spatial data you worked on. It will create some files under a new tuto.explorer
If you have downloaded the Xenium Explorer, you can now open the results in the explorer: open tuto.explorer/experiment.xenium
(if using a Unix operating system), or double-click on the latter file.
Time efficiency
Creating the image needed by the Xenium Explorer can be time-consuming. Therefore, we recommend performing one run for the image generation (below) and another to save the transcripts/boundaries/observations.
# this can be done directly after saving the raw data in a .zarr directory
sopa explorer write tuto.zarr --mode "+i" --no-save-h5ad
After running everything with Sopa, you can finally save all the other Xenium Explorer input (e.g. boundaries and cell categories):
# this should be done after aggregation and an eventual annotation
sopa explorer write tuto.zarr --mode "-i"
sopa explorer write --help
Further analyses
- If you are familiar with the
library, you can directly use thetuto.zarr
directory, corresponding to aSpatialData
object: - You can use Squidpy which operates on both the
object or theAnnData
object, or use other tools of thescverse
ecosystem such asScanpy
. - You can also use the file
if you prefer theAnnData
object instead of the fullSpatialData