ComSeg usage¶
ComSeg is a transcript-based segmentation method that creates a KNN graph of RNA molecules, weighted by the co-expression of RNA species. Initially, this KNN graph is partitioned into communities of RNAs likely to belong to the same cell. ComSeg then merges these RNA communities to compute the final cell segmentation. The method uses nucleus segmentation as prior to initialize the partitioning of the KNN graph of RNA molecules.
ComSeg only segments cells with their nuclei segmented and does not take into account cells without missing nucleus.
If nucleus segmentation is not available, ComSeg can operate using other staining segmentation or solely nucleus centroids obtained from other sources. For more details, please refer to the ComSeg documentation.
To use ComSeg, run pip install comseg
in the same environment as sopa
. For more installation options, refer to their installation guide.
Then, choose one the the three use cases (i.e., Snakemake or CLI or API) below.
Snakemake usage¶
You can run ComSeg with snakemake in a similar way than the other methods. You can run the toy dataset as follow:
snakemake --config sdata_path=tuto.zarr --configfile=config/toy/comseg.yaml --cores 1 --use-conda
See here for MERSCOPE/Xenium/CosMX config files.
API usage¶
In this tutorial, we first compute the nucleus segmentation prior using Cellpose on the DAPI staining
import sopa
1. Running Cellpose as a prior¶
First, we generate the bounding boxes of the patches on which Cellpose will be run. Here, the patches have a width and height of 1500 pixels and an overlap of 50 pixels. We advise bigger sizes for real datasets (see our default parameters in one of our config files). On the toy dataset, this will generate 4 patches.
### Load the data
sdata = # here, we use the toy dataset
sopa.make_image_patches(sdata, patch_width=1200, patch_overlap=50)
sopa.segmentation.cellpose(sdata, ["DAPI"], diameter=35)
[INFO] ( Image of size ((4, 2048, 2048)) with 400 cells and 100 transcripts per cell [INFO] (sopa.patches._patches) 4 patches were added to sdata['image_patches'] [WARNING] (sopa._settings) Running without parallelization backend can be slow. Consider using a backend, e.g. via `sopa.settings.parallelization_backend = 'dask'`, or `export SOPA_PARALLELIZATION_BACKEND=dask`. 100%|██████████| 4/4 [00:38<00:00, 9.65s/it] [INFO] (sopa.segmentation._stainings) Found 411 total cells Resolving conflicts: 100%|██████████| 118/118 [00:00<00:00, 7700.76it/s] [INFO] (sopa.segmentation._stainings) Added 372 cell boundaries in sdata['cellpose_boundaries']
2. Generating Patches for ComSeg¶
Once the nuclei are segmented, we generate the bounding boxes of the patches on which ComSeg will be run. ComSeg also requires the nuclei centroids from the Cellpose segmentation. Therefore, we specify the prior_shapes_key
argument, and choose write_cells_centroids=True
[########################################] | 100% Completed | 455.53 ms
[INFO] (sopa.patches._transcripts) 4 patche(s) were added to sdata['transcripts_patches']
3. Running ComSeg on each patch¶
Parameters for ComSeg can be gathered into a single configuration dictionary. Below is a simple configuration example for using ComSeg. For a more comprehensive description of the configuration dictionary, please refer to the documentation
Of note, ComSeg segments cells as a point cloud of RNA. To generate cell shapes from the segmented RNA point clouds, ComSeg leverages alpha shapes. An important parameter to set is alpha
, which influences the shape of the generated cell polygons. More about alpha
shapes can be found here
# the config dictionary is optional. If not provided, it will be inferred
config = {
"dict_scale": {"x": 1, "y": 1, "z": 1}, # spot coordinates already in µm
"mean_cell_diameter": 15,
"max_cell_radius": 25,
"norm_vector": False,
"alpha": 0.5, # alpha value to compute the polygon
"allow_disconnected_polygon": False,
"min_rna_per_cell": 5, # minimal number of RNAs for a cell to be taken into account
"gene_column": "genes",
sopa.segmentation.comseg(sdata, config)
[WARNING] (sopa._settings) Running without parallelization backend can be slow. Consider using a backend, e.g. via `sopa.settings.parallelization_backend = 'dask'`, or `export SOPA_PARALLELIZATION_BACKEND=dask`. 0%| | 0/4 [00:00<?, ?it/s]OMP: Info #276: omp_set_nested routine deprecated, please use omp_set_max_active_levels instead. /Users/quentinblampey/mambaforge/envs/sopa/lib/python3.10/site-packages/comseg/ FutureWarning: In the future, the default backend for leiden will be igraph instead of leidenalg. To achieve the future defaults please pass: flavor="igraph" and n_iterations=2. directed must also be False to work with igraph's implementation., resolution=resolution) 100%|██████████| 4/4 [00:42<00:00, 10.53s/it] Reading transcript-segmentation outputs: 100%|██████████| 4/4 [00:00<00:00, 30.89it/s] Resolving conflicts: 100%|██████████| 524/524 [00:00<00:00, 6987.80it/s] [INFO] (sopa.segmentation._transcripts) Aggregating transcripts on merged cells [INFO] (sopa.aggregation.transcripts) Aggregating transcripts over 160 cells /Users/quentinblampey/mambaforge/envs/sopa/lib/python3.10/site-packages/anndata/_core/ FutureWarning: AnnData previously had undefined behavior around matrices of type <class 'scipy.sparse._coo.coo_matrix'>.In 0.12, passing in this type will throw an error. Please convert to a supported type.Continue using for this minor version at your own risk. warnings.warn(msg, FutureWarning)
[########################################] | 100% Completed | 368.71 ms
[INFO] (sopa.segmentation._transcripts) Added sdata.tables['table'], and 372 cell boundaries to sdata['comseg_boundaries']
4. Aggregation¶
As for all other methods, we can run aggregation: transcripts inside each cell are counted and added in a AnnData
object in
[INFO] (sopa.aggregation.aggregation) Using existing table for aggregation [WARNING] (sopa.aggregation.aggregation) sdata.table is already existing. Transcripts are not count again. [INFO] (sopa.aggregation.channels) Aggregating channels intensity over 372 cells with mode='average'
[########################################] | 100% Completed | 103.84 ms
[INFO] (sopa.aggregation.aggregation) Filtering 0 cells
/Users/quentinblampey/dev/_external/spatialdata/src/spatialdata/_core/ UserWarning: Key `comseg_boundaries` already exists. Overwriting it in-memory.
self._check_key(key, self.keys(), self._shared_keys)
/Users/quentinblampey/dev/sopa/sopa/aggregation/ ImplicitModificationWarning: Setting element `.obsm['intensities']` of view, initializing view as actual.
self.table.obsm[SopaKeys.INTENSITIES_OBSM] = pd.DataFrame(
/Users/quentinblampey/dev/_external/spatialdata/src/spatialdata/_core/ UserWarning: Key `comseg_boundaries` already exists. Overwriting it in-memory.
self._check_key(key, self.keys(), self._shared_keys)
/Users/quentinblampey/dev/_external/spatialdata/src/spatialdata/_core/ UserWarning: Key `table` already exists. Overwriting it in-memory.
self._check_key(key, self.keys(), self._shared_keys)
5. Check the segmentation¶
import spatialdata_plot
.pl.render_shapes("comseg_boundaries", outline_alpha=1, fill_alpha=0, outline_color="w")\"global")
INFO Rasterizing image for faster rendering.
Clipping input data to the valid range for imshow with RGB data ([0..1] for floats or [0..255] for integers). Got range [0.0..1.9530949634755863].
You can also use the Xenium Explorer:"tuto.explorer", sdata)
[INFO] ( Writing table with 5 columns [INFO] ( Writing 2 cell categories: region, slide [INFO] ( Writing 372 cell polygons [INFO] ( Writing 40000 transcripts [INFO] ( > Level 0: 40000 transcripts [INFO] ( > Level 1: 10000 transcripts [INFO] ( Writing multiscale image with procedure=semi-lazy (load in memory when possible) [INFO] ( (Loading image of shape (4, 2048, 2048)) in memory [INFO] ( > Image of shape (4, 2048, 2048) [INFO] ( > Image of shape (4, 1024, 1024) [INFO] ( > Image of shape (4, 512, 512) [INFO] ( > Image of shape (4, 256, 256) [INFO] ( > Image of shape (4, 128, 128) [INFO] ( > Image of shape (4, 64, 64) [INFO] ( Saved files in the following directory: tuto.explorer [INFO] ( You can open the experiment with 'open tuto.explorer/experiment.xenium'
CLI usage¶
First, follow the original CLI tutorial until you finished the "Cellpose segmentation" section, and then, continue below.
1. Save a ComSeg config file as a config.json file¶
We display below a minimal example of a ComSeg config.json
"dict_scale": {
"x": 1,
"y": 1,
"z": 1
"mean_cell_diameter": 15,
"max_cell_radius": 20,
"allow_disconnected_polygon" : true,
"alpha": 0.5,
"min_rna_per_cell": 5,
"gene_column": "genes",
"norm_vector": false
If you did not install the needed external R packages, set "norm_vector": false
. More information on the parameters can be found in the ComSeg documentation.
2. Create the ComSeg patches¶
On the toy dataset, this will generate 4 patches.
sopa patchify transcripts tuto.zarr --patch-width-microns 200 --prior-shapes-key cellpose_boundaries --write-cells-centroids
The prior-shapes-key
argument is the name of the nuclei boundaries shape in the sdata object that will be used for the prior and centroid. In this example, it is set to cellpose_boundaries
, which assumes that the Cellpose segmentation has already been run.
3. Run ComSeg¶
sopa segmentation comseg tuto.zarr --config '"config.json"'
4. Finish with the standard CLI commands¶
You can finish as in the original CLI tutorial.
E.g., you can run:
sopa aggregate tuto.zarr --aggregate-genes --aggregate-channels --min-transcripts 10
sopa annotate fluorescence tuto.zarr --marker-cell-dict '{"CK": "Tumoral cell", "CD3": "T cell", "CD20": "B cell"}'
sopa explorer write tuto.zarr