H&E usage¶
The purpose of this notebook is to showcase how to perform basic analyses of H&E data and eventually combine it other modalities (transcriptomics or multiplex imaging).
You will need the wsi
extra of sopa for this tutorial, i.e. pip install sopa[wsi]
import sopa
import spatialdata
import spatialdata_plot
For this tutorial, we will use this Xenium pancreatic cancer dataset. In particular, it has H&E attached to the spatial transcriptomics. You can also use the H&E alone by using the sopa.io.wsi
To keep it simple, we will assume the Sopa pipeline has already been run, and for the sake of this tutorial we will directly use the Xenium default segmentation (cells_boundaries=True
). If you use your own data after running Sopa, simply read your data with the spatialdata.read_zarr
# here, we will directly open the processed Xenium directory
sdata = sopa.io.xenium("data/xenium/Xenium_V1_hPancreas_Cancer_Add_on_FFPE_outs", cells_boundaries=True)
INFO reading data/xenium/Xenium_V1_hPancreas_Cancer_Add_on_FFPE_outs/cell_feature_matrix.h5
/Users/quentinblampey/mambaforge/envs/sopa/lib/python3.10/site-packages/anndata/utils.py:429: FutureWarning: Importing read_text from `anndata` is deprecated. Import anndata.io.read_text instead. warnings.warn(msg, FutureWarning)
INFO Transposing `data` of type: <class 'dask.array.core.Array'> to ('c', 'y', 'x').
/Users/quentinblampey/dev/_external/spatialdata/src/spatialdata/_core/spatialdata.py:167: UserWarning: The table is annotating 'cell_labels', which is not present in the SpatialData object. self.validate_table_in_spatialdata(v) /Users/quentinblampey/dev/_external/spatialdata/src/spatialdata/_core/_elements.py:62: UserWarning: Key `morphology_mip` already exists. Overwriting it in-memory. self._check_key(key, self.keys(), self._shared_keys) /Users/quentinblampey/dev/_external/spatialdata/src/spatialdata/_core/_elements.py:62: UserWarning: Key `morphology_focus` already exists. Overwriting it in-memory. self._check_key(key, self.keys(), self._shared_keys) /Users/quentinblampey/dev/_external/spatialdata/src/spatialdata/_core/_elements.py:62: UserWarning: Key `he_image` already exists. Overwriting it in-memory. self._check_key(key, self.keys(), self._shared_keys)
When using Xenium data, your H&E image is already aligned. If it's not the case, or if you have another technology, then you can align the H&E image as in this tutorial.
Here, we see that the H&E image is called "he_image"
For efficiency in the tutorial, we will write the data on-disk (.zarr
sdata = spatialdata.read_zarr("Xenium_V1_hPancreas_Cancer_Add_on_FFPE_outs.zarr")
/Users/quentinblampey/mambaforge/envs/sopa/lib/python3.10/site-packages/anndata/_core/aligned_df.py:68: ImplicitModificationWarning: Transforming to str index. warnings.warn("Transforming to str index.", ImplicitModificationWarning)
# (optional) the new spatial elements will not be saved on disk automatically
sopa.settings.auto_save_on_disk = False
Tissue segmentation¶
Optionally, we can run tissue segmentation. This will create new polygons saved inside sdata['region_of_interest']
NB: by default, Sopa knows it should use
for tissue segmentation. Depending on your data, you might need to provide theimage_key
For more details, refer to the documentation of sopa.segmentation.tissue
sopa.segmentation.tissue(sdata, expand_radius_ratio=0)
[INFO] (sopa.segmentation._tissue) Using image_key='he_image' and mode='saturation' as default
The tissue segmentation can be shown as below:
.pl.render_images("he_image", scale="scale3")\
.pl.render_shapes("region_of_interest", outline_alpha=1, fill_alpha=0)\
WARNING:matplotlib.image:Clipping input data to the valid range for imshow with RGB data ([0..1] for floats or [0..255] for integers). Got range [-0.123893805..1.0].
Patches embeddings and clusters¶
It is common to embed H&E patches using a computer vision model. Here, we use a computer vision model to embed patches. On the following example, we compute embeddings for patches of width 250
pixels at the level 1 (i.e., the first sub-resolution image).
You can adjust the level to get different resolutions. For instance, level=0, patch_width=100
would produce a resolution of about one cell per patch.
See the documentation of sopa.patches.compute_embeddings
for more details.
sopa.patches.compute_embeddings(sdata, "histo_ssl", patch_width=256, level=1)
[INFO] (sopa.patches.infer) Processing 4106 patches extracted from level 1 100%|██████████| 129/129 [03:11<00:00, 1.48s/it] [INFO] (sopa.patches._patches) 4106 patches were added to sdata['embeddings_patches']
Now, we have a key 'histo_ssl_embeddings'
containing the embeddings (as an image), and 'embeddings_patches'
containing the geometries of the patches.
SpatialData object, with associated Zarr store: /Users/quentinblampey/dev/sopa/docs/tutorials/Xenium_V1_hPancreas_Cancer_Add_on_FFPE_outs.zarr ├── Images │ ├── 'he_image': DataTree[cyx] (3, 71883, 20562), (3, 35941, 10281), (3, 17970, 5140), (3, 8985, 2570), (3, 4492, 1285) │ ├── 'histo_ssl_embeddings': DataArray[cyx] (512, 141, 41) │ ├── 'morphology_focus': DataTree[cyx] (1, 13752, 48274), (1, 6876, 24137), (1, 3438, 12068), (1, 1719, 6034), (1, 859, 3017) │ └── 'morphology_mip': DataTree[cyx] (1, 13752, 48274), (1, 6876, 24137), (1, 3438, 12068), (1, 1719, 6034), (1, 859, 3017) ├── Points │ └── 'transcripts': DataFrame with shape: (<Delayed>, 10) (3D points) ├── Shapes │ ├── 'cell_boundaries': GeoDataFrame shape: (190965, 1) (2D shapes) │ ├── 'embeddings_patches': GeoDataFrame shape: (4106, 3) (2D shapes) │ └── 'region_of_interest': GeoDataFrame shape: (2, 1) (2D shapes) └── Tables └── 'table': AnnData (190965, 474) with coordinate systems: ▸ 'global', with elements: he_image (Images), histo_ssl_embeddings (Images), morphology_focus (Images), morphology_mip (Images), transcripts (Points), cell_boundaries (Shapes), embeddings_patches (Shapes), region_of_interest (Shapes) with the following elements not in the Zarr store: ▸ region_of_interest (Shapes) ▸ embeddings_patches (Shapes) ▸ histo_ssl_embeddings (Images)
Then, clustering can be run on the patches embeddings. This will add a "cluster"
column to the a GeoDataFrame
under sdata["embeddings_patches"]
(defined in the previous line).
See the documentation of sopa.patches.cluster_embeddings
for more details.
sopa.patches.cluster_embeddings(sdata, 'histo_ssl_embeddings')
OMP: Info #276: omp_set_nested routine deprecated, please use omp_set_max_active_levels instead.
geometry | bboxes | ilocs | cluster | |
0 | POLYGON ((5344.52 256, 5344.52 248.035, 5344.5... | [5120, 0, 5376, 256] | [20, 0] | 0 |
1 | POLYGON ((5592.508 256, 5584.543 248.035, 5576... | [5376, 0, 5632, 256] | [21, 0] | 0 |
2 | POLYGON ((671.994 512, 664.065 504.07, 664.065... | [512, 256, 768, 512] | [2, 1] | 0 |
3 | POLYGON ((976.095 512, 976.095 504.07, 968.094... | [768, 256, 1024, 512] | [3, 1] | 0 |
4 | MULTIPOLYGON (((2048 512, 2048 488.068, 2040.1... | [1792, 256, 2048, 512] | [7, 1] | 0 |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
4101 | POLYGON ((2560 34304, 2560 34108.745, 2552.248... | [2304, 34048, 2560, 34304] | [9, 133] | 4 |
4102 | POLYGON ((2560 34304, 2765.041 34304, 2768.269... | [2560, 34048, 2816, 34304] | [10, 133] | 5 |
4103 | MULTIPOLYGON (((2560 34304, 2432.237 34304, 24... | [2304, 34304, 2560, 34560] | [9, 134] | 2 |
4104 | POLYGON ((2560 34304, 2560 34436.791, 2560.249... | [2560, 34304, 2816, 34560] | [10, 134] | 0 |
4105 | POLYGON ((2352.229 34560, 2352.229 34564.809, ... | [2304, 34560, 2560, 34816] | [9, 135] | 0 |
4106 rows × 4 columns
The patches clusters can be shown with spatialdata_plot
.pl.render_shapes("region_of_interest", outline_alpha=1, fill_alpha=0)\
.pl.render_shapes("embeddings_patches", color="cluster")\
/Users/quentinblampey/mambaforge/envs/sopa/lib/python3.10/site-packages/spatialdata_plot/pl/utils.py:777: FutureWarning: The default value of 'ignore' for the `na_action` parameter in pandas.Categorical.map is deprecated and will be changed to 'None' in a future version. Please set na_action to the desired value to avoid seeing this warning color_vector = color_source_vector.map(color_mapping)
Spatial join¶
You may be interested in joining the H&E patches and the cells. This way, you could know inside witch patch-cluster belongs each cell. This can be done with sopa.spatial.sjoin
res_gdf = sopa.spatial.sjoin(sdata, "cell_boundaries", "embeddings_patches", target_coordinate_system="global")
The resulting GeoDataFrame
may have more columns than cells, because one cell may be inside multiple patches. We will keep only the first patch, and then save the resulting "cluster"
column into the sdata.tables["table"]
sdata.tables["table"].obs["cluster"] = res_gdf[~res_gdf.index.duplicated()]["cluster"].values
Here, for simplicity, we use scanpy
to plot the cells (as dots). But we could also use spatialdata_plot
We can see the cells segmented by the Xenium, colored by the H&E patch in which they belong.
import scanpy as sc
sc.pl.spatial(sdata["table"], color="cluster", spot_size=10)